| Wayne Brasco Sr., President / Chief Executive Officer Office Phone: 781-893-6260 Fax: 781-893-5965
Born in Waltham, Massachusetts, the 4th child of the late Leo J. Brasco Jr. and Mildred (Cotton) Brasco, Wayne has been a lifelong Waltham resident.
A graduate of Waltham High School with the Class of 1967, he furthered his education at the New England Institute of Anatomy & Sanitary Sciences, Boston , MA graduating with the Class of 1970, and continued his professional education at the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice in Cumberland , ME becoming a Certified Funeral Service Practitioner in 1989 and attended the National Foundation of Funeral Service in Chicago, IL, a School of Professional Successful Funeral Service Management and Continuing Professional Studies concerning Grief Psychology, Marketing & Funeral Service Practice from 1994 to 1996. With his educational tools Wayne was a Past Instructor of Applied Sciences New England Institute of Anatomy from 1972 to 1975.
Wayne married Norwood native Mary Catherine (Cormier) Brasco in 1969. Together they had five children, James, Kerrie Ann, Wayne Jr, Paul, and Mary Catherine "Katie" Brasco. They raised their family in Waltham's Southside Neighborhood on the corner of Moody & Orange Streets their home located directly behind the family funeral home.
Wayne's objective has always been to create a leading family funeral service firm to families of the communities we serve, both in at need services, pre-need services and aftercare to those families we serve.
He has been President & Treasurer for Brasco & Sons Memorial Chapels Inc. and Chief Executive Officer form 1980 to present for both firms located at 325 Trapelo Road , Belmont , Massachusetts and 773 Moody Street , Waltham , Massachusetts.
He has been responsible for developing and managing growth of our family owned funeral service firms, during which time the number of families served annually has tripled. Development of new programs that have been implemented and have been used as a model by many family owned funeral service firms across the United States .
Wayne's involvement throughout the community and state include serving as the City of Waltham Public Welfare Commissioner from 1978 to 1982, City of Waltham License Commissioner Alcohol & Restaurants from 1982 to 1987 and as Chairman of the Commission from 2000 to present, Founder of the Citizens Fund of Waltham in 1985, Member of the Waltham Public Schools
Drug & Alcohol Abuse Advisory Committee from 1985 to 1987, City of Waltham Cable Advisory Committee Chairman, City of Waltham Redevelopment Advisory Committee, Conducted First Alcohol Awareness Responsible Server Program for the City of Waltham in 1986, Waltham Rediscovered Committee Member and Banquet Speaker in1988, Walter E. Fernald School Member of the Death and Dying Committee from 1976 to 1992, Guest Lecturer at Arlington Catholic High School Death & Dying Class from 1988 to 1990, Initiated the First Program in Waltham called Home Safe bringing together Package Store Owners to sponsor cabs for S.A.D.D. students and received honorable mention in Readers Digest in 1986,
His civic memberships include Waltham Lions Club from 1970 to present serving as Massachusetts Multiple District 33-K, Past President, Past Vice President, Co-Chair National Blind Golf Tournament, Hope for the Blind
Chairman Glaucoma Clinic Membership Chairman (35 Member Key), as Y.M.C.A Director from 1979 to 1982, the Massachusetts Funeral Directors Association 1983 to present, the National Funeral Directors Association 1983 to present, the Massachusetts Justices of the Peace Association from 1986 to present, the Suffolk County Deputy Sheriffs Association from 1989 to 1998, the Middlesex County Deputy Sheriffs Association from 1988 to present, the Governors Task Force for Alcohol Abuse, the Greater Waltham Association for Retarded Citizens serving as Past President, Past Corresponding Secretary, Chairman of Membership Drive and serving on the Board of Directors from 1975 to 1984, as Former Trustee for the Waltham Hospital from 1998 to 2000, the Waltham Chapter of the American Red Cross from 1978 to 1982, Waltham Chapter of the Salvation Army as Board Member from 1990 to present, the Hurley House for Recovering Alcoholics
as a Board Member from 1982 to 1984, the Massachusetts Association for Retarded Citizens as State Membership Chairman from 1977to 1978
Waltham Diabetes Association Board Member and Event Chairman from 1975 to 1976, the Waltham Lodge Sons of Italy Scholarship Committee from 1980 to 1982, member of the Waltham Lodge of Moose #1018 from 1978 to present, Honorary Chaplain V.F.W. Post #2152, Waltham, Dana Farber Cancer Center Member of the Development Committee HCD and Hospice Board Member.
Wayne has been recognized for his Civic Service by the United States Jaycees receiving the Outstanding Young Man Community Service Award in 1980, he received National Recognition for Voluntary Child Fingerprinting Program copy across the United States in 1983, the Waltham Lodge of Moose #1018 Man of the Year Award for 1983-84, the Massachusetts Association for Retarded Citizens State Membership Chairman Award
and Citation for Community Service by Governor Edward J. King, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, The Order of the Paul Revere Patriots Award Commonwealth of Massachusetts Governor Edward J. King, the
Outstanding Citizen Award for the Waltham Police Department, City of Waltham Citation for Community Service, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Governor Michael J. Dukakias, Citation for Community Service Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Senate Citation for Community Service Massachusetts House of Representatives, the Waltham V.F.W. Post #2152 Outstanding Citizen Award, the Readers Digest Honorable Mention for Home Safe Program in Waltham , Massachusetts, the Salvation Army Community Service Award, the Waltham Lions Club & Massachusetts Lions Club Numerous Presidential Awards, the McNamara Community Service Award, the Waltham Lodge of Elks Citizen of the Year, the Fernald League
Shining Star Award Outstanding Contributor, USA Today Award
United States National Volunteer of the Year Award Presented by President William J. Clinton at The East Room of the White House, the City of Waltham
Award from the Honorable David F. Gately, Mayor for service at the World Trade Center, the Waltham City Council recognition of Service at the World Trade Center the Massachusetts State Senate Senator Susan Fargo
Recognition of Service at the World Trade Center, the Massachusetts House of Representatives Representative Peter Koutoujian Recognition of Service at the World Trade Center, the Massachusetts Funeral Directors Association
Outstanding Service Award for Service at the World Trade Center Disaster, and the Waltham Lodge of Moose Meritorious Service Award for Volunteering World Trade Center Fatality Team.
Wayne has earned the designation of Certified Funeral Service Practitioner from the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice, Inc. This is noted by the CFSP acronym, and this licensed funeral director must meet or exceed defined criteria annually to continue use of this prestigious designation. A select few have distinguished themselves among their peers within the funeral service profession as they continue their education to exceed the highest standards of care. This achievement is especially notable because Wayne has voluntarily elected to participate in quality educational and service opportunities that far surpass what the funeral service licensing board in Massachusetts requires. Wayne has committed to a program of lifelong learning to serve you and families in you community with the level of excellence expected of a CFSP.